WalletKit prompts the user with a modal that shows the transaction details along with any expected changes in assets. The user can then review and sign the transaction using their 6-digit pin.

import { useWalletKitLink } from "@walletkit/react-link";
import { parseEther } from "viem";

export function App() {
  const walletKit = useWalletKitLink();
  const [hash, setHash] = useState("");

  const sendTransaction = async () => {
    const hash = await walletKit.signAndSendTransactions([
        to: "0xc6FfEB1298Eb33Da430d14e5Eb789256ec344625",
        value: parseEther("0.01"),

  return (
      <button onClick={() => sendTransaction()}>Send Transaction</button>
      {hash ? <div>Transaction: {hash}</div> : null}